Sep 13, 2021
The world shifts modes when school starts, with or without kids, and in this episode we talk about how to sail smoothly into the next season without overwhelm or burning out trying to keep all your habits the same.
We have been living with a certain set of habits and routines over the summer months and now all the cues and prompts, ability factors and maybe even motivations are shifting.
What your family does in the summer isn’t the same as what it does in the fall, winter, spring. But you still expect yourself to maintain the habits of the previous season and it's draining you.
Share this with your friends, especially those mamas and friends who work in education!
Last chance for Coaching Week! You can sign up here and access all the goodies through Sunday September 19.
And next week the Rules & Rebellion Village opens for enrollment so keep an eye out so you can make an educated decision for this next season of life.